Brezel Göring: Unbehagen in der Mittelstufe (2019)

A theatrical production by Kommando Unbehagen
Director: Christian Genzel
A high-ranking Austrian politician has to put down an uprising of his otherwise blissfully sleeping citizens. A young couple pays their respects to their mother-in-law, who is not entirely averse to alcohol. Criminal teddy bears come to terms with the gloomy everyday life in prison. And a planned kidnapping of politicians goes so wrong that an underexposed folk singer is captured instead. In loosely connected vignettes with romantic titles such as “Dream Job Drinker”, “Intercourse with Relatives” or “How the Measured Decisions of European Heads of State Secure Social Peace”, a crazy world between biting humor and bizarre pathos is drawn – discomfort guaranteed!
The Salzburg theatre group “Kommando Unbehagen” is an association of fearless students of German studies, freelance cultural buffs, and people from the old millennium. Under the loving care of strict director Christian Genzel, the collective takes care of daredevil theatre productions that sneak up on every horizon of expectation. The rough round dance “Unbehagen in der Mittelstufe”, performed in July 2019 at the Literaturhaus Salzburg, was the first production of “Kommando Unbehagen”.
Samuel Beckett: Glückliche Tage / Happy Days (2017/18)

From December 2017 to March 2018, I played Willie in a production of Samuel Beckett’s HAPPY DAYS for the Salzburg Ensemble Juvavum. OFF Theater Salzburg, Director: Nicholas Monu.
Sue Townsend: The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole (2005)

In the English Drama Group production of Sue Townsend’s THE SECRET DIARY OF ADRIAN MOLE, I played George Mole. May-June 2005, ARGE Salzburg, directed by Ilse Lackenbauer.
David Williamson: Dead White Males (2004)

In DEAD WHITE MALES by David Williamson, I played Martin Judd. English Drama Group, June 2004, ARGE Salzburg, directed by Ilse Lackenbauer.
Dylan Thomas: Under Milk Wood (2003)

In May 2003, the English Drama Group performed UNDER MILK WOOD by Dylan Thomas at Stiegl’s Brauwelt in Salzburg. I was there as Mog Edwards. Directed by Ilse Lackenbauer.
Timberlake Wertenbaker: Our Country’s Good (2001)

In my first major production with the Salzburg English Drama Group, I played John Wisehammer in Timberlake Wertebaker’s OUR COUNTRY’S GOOD. April-May 2001, ARGE Salzburg, guest performance in Passau. Directed by Ilse Lackenbauer.
David Mamet: The Blue Hour (2000)
My first theatre role: As “Man X” in one of the plays from David Mamet’s THE BLUE HOUR. With the English Drama Group Salzburg, December 2000, directed by Ilse Lackenbauer.