Music videos

Betty’s Apartment: Klischees & Rock’n’Roll (2015)

Real rock’n’roll to a summer hit: leather jacket, beautiful women, wide landscapes, cool attitude and a guerrilla budget of exactly €29.57, which was mainly spent on the cold beer afterwards. It doesn’t get any more minimalist than this without throwing the Rock-attitude overboard. Like a mirror, the video comes in two related versions – because reduction can also be pursued in lavish gestures.

Direction & Concept: Christian Genzel
Text & Music: Christoph Schwarz
Video Editing: Manuel Stolz

Betty’s Apartment: Wie hält man fest (2015)

The story of a relationship, told in home video fragments. Rocky records and city walks, sex and brushing teeth, arguments and phone calls: What remains behind, how do you hold on?

Direction & Concept: Alexander Sobolla & Christian Genzel
Cast: Silke Walter, H. Christian Haslecker
Producer: Christian Genzel
Camera: Alexander Sobolla
Editor: Manuel Stolz
VHS-Effect: René Hoffmann
Still Photography: Alexander Sobolla, Sarah Ruth
Production Assistant: Christoph Schwarz

Roia: Instant Love (2014)

A couple flees from the darkness – which may lie within themselves. This surreal mystery video was created for the third album of the Salzburg fringecore group Roia, whose style can be pinned down quite precisely with the label “Nordic Post-TripHop-Indie-Pop”. The band itself does not appear in the video, the story is a kind of precursor to the short film CINEMA DELL’ OSCURITÀ, which was made shortly afterwards.

Directed by Christian Genzel
Cast: Stephanie Lexer, Simon Ahlborn
Director of Photography: Paul Sprinz
Editors: René Hoffmann, Simon Gugeler
Executive Producers: Roia
Producer & Story: Christian Genzel
Electrician: Niklas Olofsson
Production Assistant: Pascal Schweickhardt
Thanks to Werner Michler, Wolfgang Görtschacher, Marco Knapp

Betty’s Apartment: Spiel ohne Grenzen (2008)

A small band travels the world and yet always stays in tranquil Salzburg. The ironic song is also matched by a prank staged between a silent film and a Super8 look with attached playback and carefully selected locations such as lonely bus stops and empty children’s playgrounds.

Director: Christian Genzel
Concept: Christian Genzel & Christoph Schwarz
Camera: Hans Christian Haslecker & Christian Genzel
Editor: David J. Nolan
Production Assistant: Thomas Ortner

Magdalena: Je t’aime (2005)

Department “We were young and needed the money”: a commissioned work shot in a strip-shed in Augsburg for a dance-pop queen, who unfortunately didn’t become one after all. Probably the most interesting are the partly real, partly staged behind-the-scenes impressions, whose aesthetics fit best with my later music video works.

Direction & Concept: Christian Genzel & Christian Haslecker
Camera & Editor: Christian Haslecker
Production: Christian Kutschka, Covesco Music Group
Location Manager: Julia Neudorfer
Electrician: Karin Ortner